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- A Weapon Against Space Radiation
A Weapon Against Space Radiation
These foods will be on future space missions

“Space is disease and danger wrapped up in darkness and silence.”
Is it that bleak?
I mean he’s not wrong.
There are new dangers for us outside of our atmosphere.
NASA knows a thing or two about those dangers and summed them up in a nifty acronym:
Space Radiation
Isolation & Confinement
Distance from Earth
Gravity Fields
Hostile/Closed Environments

RIDGE- the dangers to humans in space: Space radiation, isolation and confinement, distance from Earth, gravity fields and hostile/closed environments.
But there are weapons in our culinary arsenal useful against those dangers.
Let’s take a look at that space radiation.
Space Radiation
Every day Earth gets smacked with around 1.2 × 1014 watts of energy. That’s enough to power 11 million average American households.
Using Einstein’s special relativity theory (obviously) that’s roughly 4.82×106kg smacking Earth in the face.
For my Americans, that’s like 64,267 washing machines coming at us on the daily.
Earth’s magnetic field prevents a good chunk of that from getting to us on the surface. Our atmosphere absorbs, deflects and scatters most of the rest.
Together they shield us from anywhere between 10-100% of that energy depending on the weather.
But out in space…
bye bye, atmosphere. Bye bye, magnetic field.
Even with that 10% that slips through, it still packs a nasty punch.
Radiation knocks out pieces of our DNA leading to degenerative diseases.
Multiple sclerosis
Various types of arthritis
The most infamous being cancer
Just to name a few
You see why radiation is a big baddie?

Astronauts will have a secret weapon…
Food to the rescue
Now we can’t wrap ourselves in banana leaves to fight off radiation. But certain foods will help us from the inside allowing the body to repair itself more efficiently.
I anticipate these foods playing frequent roles on our space faring menus.
They’ve got a secret weapon.
Here’s what it is…
The weapon
Anthocyanin is an antioxidant that hunts for free radicals in the body and whoops their- you get the idea. It’s the pigment colouring food in shades of red, purple and blue:
Red cabbage
Black carrots
You name it

An army of angry berries ready to wage war against free radicals. Photo by Sneha Cecil on Unsplash
They also have a wide range of other benefits for the body. Which are…
Reducing inflammation
Protecting against Type 2 Diabetes
Boosting heart health
Reducing blood pressure
Improving memory
Increasing your brain’s processing speed
A few others being tested
In the battle against the effects of radiation in space, they’re going to make some frequent appearances.
Radiation bad.
Foods rich in anthocyanin good.
PS. In the next email we’ll talk about another secret weapon that I predict will make appearances on space station menus.
