đź–– Everything led up to you

Enjoy it

I want to share part of a story. A quick perspective of your role in the universe.


Don Quixote speaks to humankind’s

yearning for the heroic,

told through the fragile

Alonso Quijano,

a character created in the imagination of

Miguel de Cervantes,

a living,





collection of

bone, tissue, and cells

that, during his lifetime,

supported organic processes

of energy transformation and waste excretion,

which themselves relied on atomic and molecular movements honed by billions of years of evolution on a planet

forged from the detritus

of supernova explosions scattered throughout the realm of space emerging from the big bang.

This is an excerpt from Brian Greene’s, Until the end of Time.

I love it.

How cool is it that we even exist?

Everything you’ve ever been through- that has ever happened on this planet has been but the tiniest spark cast from a billions-year-old bonfire that’s still raging.

Ffft! Then it’s gone.

Feels like a reminder to appreciate everyone you have in your life.

Read it again. Then go out and enjoy the day.



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