🖖 Chefs and scientists

why this newsletter exists

I have to admit.

I had writer’s block for a few days. Technically I still do.

But I’ve made a commitment to send out these emails.

So here I am.

I wanted to talk about why I’m writing. As in writing this newsletter. With it I have two goals in mind:

  1. To create a means of income that I can work on from anywhere.

  2. I’ve always wanted to make an impact- to improve the lives of others.

I’ve wanted to not be an employee for the longest time. I just hadn’t found my own way of doing so.

Though not for a lack of resources. 

To top it off I’ve recently moved to a country where it’s not easy to change career paths. I need a job since I don’t have the network I did back in Hong Kong where I lived for 10 years.

A network that was willing to take a risk on me because they knew the standards I kept in other endeavours.

Here in France they look at your CV- previous experiences and your diplomas.

Well I got 13 years worth of kitchen experience plus 4 years for my bachelor’s and another 2 for my associates in culinary.

So I’m looking for work in the kitchen again. I gotta make up for a year of not having income.

And building something like a newsletter brand or YouTube channel takes time. I’ll be writing these emails on the side before work.

Which brings me to impact.

I feel I can find a place in the food world that intersects my love of sci-fi. Scientists are working on ways to feed astronauts. But the work is just starting to get them to feed themselves.

They’ll be out longer and farther.

There’s the science part which will deal in nutrition and calories and health.

But there’s also an aspect of enjoyment when it comes to meals. Food sometimes makes you feel good even if it isn’t the most nutritious.

Chefs and scientists of the current generation will work together to make it happen. And if I can help out in my own way all the better.

In writing this newsletter I’ve been able to fine tune my thoughts on the subject. I’ve been testing different subjects within the field. Even the length. I’m trying to keep them short yet useful.

Let me know if you want something longer or shorter.

Actually 2-3 book ideas have jumped up and slapped me in the face as a result of these emails.

Hadn’t thought of that before.

So that’s why this newsletter exists. And I could use your thoughts on the subject since you’re a professional with a unique perspective on this industry.

Feel free to leave a comment any time, too.

Thanks for being here in this early phase. I want to be worthy of your inbox and your time.


Signature: Anthony Damico


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