🖖 Cherish your peeps

and strengthen your circle

Take today to cherish those in your life.

Your tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

Their tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

Check in on someone you haven’t talked to in a while.

Open your phone contacts and go down the alphabet.

Choose one.

Choose five.

Just write, ‘Hey. Was thinking about you. Wanted to see how you were doing.”

Or something like that.

Repeat until you’ve gone through the whole list.

Let go of petty squabbles that may have happened.

Ask what’s new in their life.

Ask what their next adventure will be.

See if they need anything.

Listen to their story of what happened to them at the store yesterday.

Let them know they’re important to you.

Share a coffee or tea.

Appreciate them.

Everything you’re working for is to spend time with them.

Everything causing you stress at work loses all importance when they’re not there anymore.

Today’s a day to reconnect.

Today’s a day to cherish how good things are with people you care about.

We’ll talk about space tomorrow.

Signature: Anthony Damico


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